Irish Dance Shoes

How To Pick An Irish Dance Shoe

Irish dance has strict routines and dancers will need good dance shoes to support their performance. There are both soft and hard shoes required for different types of performance, but both are equally important.

The hard aka jig or river dance shoe needs to not soften over time and the soft pumps need not stretch out too much over time. Doing some research before making this decision can make the difference between a shoe that lasts a while or needs replacing.

It needs to be strong and blister-proof yet soft and light-weight. It sounds impossible, but the perfect shoe is out there if you just get the chance to find it.

Protect Your Feet

Shoes designed specifically for Irish dance should be flexible but comfortable for when you are dancing quickstep changes. It needs to be lightweight and work with the movement of the dancer so as not to add any unnecessary strain.

If the material is low-quality then it will stretch over a period of time, leaving the dancer’s feet vulnerable to injury. There is nothing more devastating than an avoidable injury and shoes that are too heavy will cause just that.

High-Quality Material

The ideal Irish dance shoe is designed to last for a while and not require breaking in. It will be sturdy enough for toe stands on the first wear, but not cause any rubbing.

A shoe made with high-quality leather with be the most comfortable for the dancer and create the best performance. The material alone is not enough – you need to look at the design.

A company based in Ireland or with Celtic roots will have the best craftsmanship as they will understand the intricacies of the dance. Look for durable arches to cushion the impact and strong toe support – toe strains are common and need to be avoided.

They also need to be balanced correctly so the dancer is not thrown off unnecessarily. They will be lightweight but strong.

Correct Colors

Ireland is known for green, but also formal dark colors. If you are performing Irish dance, then you will want shoes to match your costumes.

If you pick a quality company, they will know the traditional colors associated with the dance and you will be able to pick your favorite. Be cautious of companies selling shoes in colors like neon pink as it is likely they are not authentic.